Results for 'R. Pani John'

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  1.  42
    Mental Imagery as the Adaptationist Views It.John R. Pani - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (3):288-326.
    Mental images are one of the more obvious aspects of human conscious experience. Familiar idioms such as “the mind's eye” reflect the high status of the image in metacognition. Theoretically, a defining characteristic of mental images is that they can be analog representations. But this has led to an enduring puzzle in cognitive psychology: How do “mental pictures” fit into a general theory of cognition? Three empirical problems have constituted this puzzle: The incidence of mental images has been unpredictable, innumerable (...)
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    How does low level vision interact with knowledge?John R. Pani - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):387-388.
    Basic processes of perception should be cognitively impenetrable so that they are not prey to momentary changes of belief. That said, how does low level vision interact with knowledge to allow recognition? Much more needs to be known about the products of low level vision than that they represent the geometric layout of the world.
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    Mental imagery is simultaneously symbolic and analog.John R. Pani - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):205-206.
    With admirable clarity, Pylyshyn shows that there is little evidence that mental imagery is strongly constrained to be analog. He urges that imagery must be considered part of a more general symbolic system. The ultimate solution to the challenges of image theory, however, rest on understanding the manner in which mental imagery is both a symbolic and an analog system.
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    Perceptual theories that emphasize action are necessary but not sufficient.John R. Pani - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):998-998.
    Theories that make action central to perception are plausible, though largely untried, for space perception. However, explaining object recognition, and high-level perception generally, will require reference to representations of the world in some form. Nonetheless, action is central to cognition, and explaining high-level perception will be aided by integrating an understanding of action with other aspects of perception.
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    The mathematics of symmetry does not provide an appropriate model for the human understanding of elementary motions.John R. Pani - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):696-697.
    Shepard's article presents an impressive application of the mathematics of symmetry to the understanding of motion. However, there are basic psychological phenomena that the model does not handle well. These include the importance of the orientations of rotational motions to salient reference systems for the understanding of the motions. An alternative model of the understanding of rotations is sketched. [Shepard].
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  6. A G McKoon, Gail, 500 Merikle, Philip M., 525 Andrade, Jackie, 562 Goshen-Gottstein, Yonatan, Mori, Monica, 91 117 Graf, Peter, 91 B P. [REVIEW]Anthony G. Greenwald, Bernard J. Baars, John R. Pani, Mahzarin R. Banaji, J. Passchier, William P. Banks, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, A. E. Bonebakker, Timothy L. Hubbard & Roger Ratcliff - 1996 - Consciousness and Cognition 5:606.
  7. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language.John R. Searle - 1972 - Mind 81 (323):458-468.
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  8. The Logical Status of Fictional Discourse.John R. Searle - 1975 - New Literary History 6 (2):319--32.
  9.  13
    (1 other version)Reports of Mental Imagery in Retrieval from Long-Term Memory.William Brewer & John Pani - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (3):25-287.
    Phenomenal reports were obtained immediately after participants retrieved information from long-term memory. Data were gathered for six basic forms of memory and for three forms of memory that asked for declarative information about procedural tasks. The data show consistent reports of mental imagery during retrieval of information from the generic perceptual, recollective, motor—declarative, rote—declarative, and cognitive—declarative categories; much less imagery was reported for the semantic, motor, rote, and cognitive categories. Overall, the data provide support for the theoretical framework outlined in (...)
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  10. Memory: Task dissociations, process dissociations and dissociations of consciousness.A. Richardson-Klavehn, John M. Gardiner & R. I. Java - 1995 - In Geoffrey D. M. Underwood (ed.), Implicit Cognition. Oxford University Press.
  11.  49
    John Locke, Thomas Sydenham, and the authorship of two medical essays.Peter R. Anstey & John Burrows - 2009 - Electronic British Library Journal 3:1-42.
    Two medical essays in the hand of John Locke survive amongst the Shaftesbury Papers in the National Archives (National Archives PRO 30/24/47/2, ff. 31r–38v and ff. 49r–56r). Since the 1960s their authorship has been disputed. Some scholars have attributed them to the London physician Thomas Sydenham, others have attributed them to Locke. Detailed analyses of their contents and the context of their composition provide very strong evidence for Lockean authorship. This is reinforced by the application of the most recent (...)
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  12.  79
    Responses to critics of the construction of social reality.Review author[S.]: John R. Searle - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):449-458.
  13. The Language of Taxonomy. An Application of Symbolic Logic to the Study of Classificatory Systems.John R. Gregg - 1958 - Studia Logica 8:323-326.
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  14. John Dewey Reconsidered Edited by R.S. Peters. --.R. S. Peters - 1977 - Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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    The self-adjointness of Hermitian Hamiltonians.Chengjun Zhu & John R. Klauder - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (4):617-631.
    For several examples of Hermitian operators, the issues involved in their possible self-adjoint extension are shown to conform with recognizable properties in the solutions to the associated classical equations of motion. This result confirms the assertion made in an earlier paper (Ref. 1) that there are sufficient classical “symptoms” to diagnose any quantum “illness.”.
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    How Binding the Ties? Business Ethics as Integrative Social Contracts - Ties That Bind: A Social Contracts Approach to Business EthicsThomas Donaldson and Thomas W. Dunfee Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.John R. Rowan - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (2):379-390.
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    Environmental Thought.Edward Page & John L. R. Proops - 2003 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  18.  39
    The Product Guides the Process: Discovering Disease Mechanisms.Lindley Darden, Lipika R. Pal, Kunal Kundu & John Moult - 2018 - In David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti (eds.), Building Theories: Heuristics and Hypotheses in Sciences. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    The nature of the product to be discovered guides the reasoning to discover it. Biologists and medical researchers often search for mechanisms. The "new mechanistic philosophy of science" provides resources about the nature of biological mechanisms that aid the discovery of mechanisms. Here, we apply these resources to the discovery of mechanisms in medicine. A new diagrammatic representation of a disease mechanism chain indicates both what is known and, most significantly, what is not known at a given time, thereby guiding (...)
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  19.  8
    Meaning: Protocol of the Forty Fourth Colloquy, 3 October 1982.Julian Boyd, John R. Searle & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1983
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    Social Agency in International Business Practices: Perspectives on Principled Constructive Engagement.John R. Schermerhorn Jr & William B. Lamb - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:74-79.
    Constructive engagement in international business practice is defined as purpose-driven behavior in which economic contributions by the foreign investor also advance social progress in the host country. This paper distinguishes between amoral and moral social agency, and proposes a model of principled constructive engagement that describes a principled constructive engagement regime enacted in a disciplined, morally-directed manner.
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    Against Multiplying Clinical Ethics Standards without Necessity: The Case for Parsimony in Evaluating Decision-making Capacity.Jeremy R. Garrett, John C. Moskop & J. Clint Parker - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):87-89.
    Decision-making capacity (DMC) is, in many ways, a central organizing concept of modern health care ethics. Patients with DMC have the moral—if not always the legal—authority to make all manner of...
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  22.  47
    Alfred Schutz, his critics, and applied phenomenology.John R. Hall - 1977 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 4 (3):265-279.
  23.  42
    Modern Science and the Illusions of Professor Bergson.John Dewey, Hugh S. R. Elliot & Ray Lankester - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):705.
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  24.  11
    Cultures of Inquiry: From Epistemology to Discourse in Sociohistorical Research.John R. Hall & John Ross Hall - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
  25.  4
    The Role of the Sublime in Kant's Moral Metaphysics.John R. Goodreau - 1998 - Crvp.
    A survey of Kant's philosophical writings reveals an ongoing concern with the problem of moral motivation. The problem is expressed thusly: How can a judgment of the understanding provide a motive sufficient to move the will to an action? ;Kant provides one line of argument in his formal writings on moral theory. The feeling of respect that follows from the recognition of the nobility of the universal moral law provides the motivation or incentive. Through this feeling we are aware that (...)
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  26.  30
    Environmental Ethics and Philosophy.John O'Neill, R. Kerry Turner & Ian Bateman (eds.) - 2001 - [Edward Elgar Pub.].
    Sustainability and sustainable development have become key phrases of the politics of the environment. They are at the centre of much environmental discourse and indeed of the series of which this collection is a part. This volume brings together a number of recent papers that address the ethical and political assumptions that underlie different uses of those concepts.
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  27. Contents of codes of ethics of professional business organizations in the united states.Bruce R. Gaumnitz & John C. Lere - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (1):35 - 49.
    This paper reports an analysis of the content of the codes of ethics of 15 professional business organizations in the United States, representing the broad range of disciplines found in business. The analysis was conducted to identify common ethical issues faced by business professionals. It was also structured to highlight ethical issues that are either unique to or of particular importance for business professionals. No attempt is made to make value judgments about either the codes of ethics studied or of (...)
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  28.  90
    Saving and Ignoring Lives: Physicians’ Obligations to Address Root Social Influences on Health—Moral Justifications and Educational Implications.John R. Stone - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):497-509.
    The predominant influences on health are social or upstream factors. Poverty, inadequate education, insecure and toxic environments, and inferior opportunities for jobs and positions are inequitable disadvantages that adversely affect health across the globe. Many causal pathways are yet to be understood. However, elimination of these social inequalities is a moral imperative of the first order. Some physicians by word and deed argue that medical doctors should oppose the “structural violence” of social inequalities that greatly shorten lives and wreak so (...)
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  29.  43
    William James.John R. Shook - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 57 (57):57-59.
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  30.  48
    Divine Light and Human Wisdom: Transcendental Elements in Bonaventure’s Illumination Theory.John R. White - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (2):175-185.
    This paper argues that structural elements of Bonaventure’s illumination theory significantly parallel Kantian transcendental philosophy. The question of whetherand what elements of transcendental thought can be found in Bonaventure’s philosophy is potentially instructive both for understanding medieval influences on transcendental philosophy and for raising the philosophical question of why substantially similar premises and thought-patterns result in substantially different solutions. After defining what I mean by “transcendental philosophy” and justifying that definition I turn to Bonaventure’s illumination theory and highlight thought patterns (...)
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  31.  56
    A Monistic Interpretation of Whitehead’s Creativity.John R. Wilcox - 1991 - Process Studies 20 (3):162-174.
    Creativity in Whitehead is analogous to prime matter in Aristotle; both principles serve as the counterpart of form. A fundamental difference is that whereas prime matter is purely passive, creativity is pure activity. ;My dissertation focuses on the question whether creativity in some sense exists as numerically one running throughout the entire universe, or only as numerically many in the many individual actual entities which are the basis of his avowed ontological pluralism? ;The most common view in the literature is (...)
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    The Identity of Christian Morality (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies Series). By Ann Marie Mealey. Pp. viii, 187, Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, 2009, £55.00.John R. Williams - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (4):704-705.
  33. Witness of the Word: A Biblical Theology of the Gospel.Foster R. McCurley & John Reumann - 1986
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    Some Remarks about Social Ontology and Law: An Interview with John R. Searle.Angela Condello & John R. Searle - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (2):226-231.
  35.  8
    Consent and the Incompetent Patient: Ethics, Law and Medicine : Proceedings of a Meeting Held at the Royal Society of Medicine, 9 December 1986.Steven R. Hirsch & John Harris - 1988 - Royal College of Psychiatrists.
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  36. A model of language processing and spatial reasoning using skill acquisition to situate action.Scott A. Douglass & John R. Anderson - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2281--2286.
  37.  19
    (4 other versions)The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism.Karl R. Popper & John C. Eccles - 1977 - Philosophy 54 (208):249-251.
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    The Freedom of Man in Plotinus.John R. Crocker - 1956 - Modern Schoolman 34 (1):23-35.
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    Addison W. Moore's Pragmatic Approach to Religion and Immortality.John R. Shook - 2002 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 38 (4):629 - 647.
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    Kairos as 'Profit'.John R. Wilson - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (02):418-.
    Lexicographers have always considered ‘advantage’, ‘profit’ as a possible meaning of kairos. And yet none of the ten passages cited in LSJ under this meaning is convincing. No less than four of these instances exemplify kairos as ‘due measure’ . Three other instances exemplify spatial kairos . The remaining instances exemplify the meaning ‘opportunity’ that develops from temporal kairos . In none of the examples are we encouraged to take the further step from ‘what is morally, spatially or temporally appropriate’ (...)
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  41.  35
    Religious Upbringing and the Costs of Freedom: Personal and Philosophical Essays. Edited by Peter Caws and Stefani Jones.John R. Williams - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (4):709-710.
  42.  33
    The Identity of Christian Morality (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies). By Ann Marie Mealey.John R. Williams - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):347-347.
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  43. Research in Parapsychology 1989.L. Henkel & John R. Palmer (eds.) - 1989 - Scarecrow Press.
  44.  24
    Philosophical foundations of science: proceedings of Section L, 1969, American Association for the Advancement of Science.Raymond John Seeger & R. S. Cohen (eds.) - 1974 - Boston: Reidel.
    At the 1969 annual meeting of the American Association for the Ad vancement ofScience, held in Boston on December 27-29, a sequence of symposia on the philosophical foundations of science was organized jointly by Section L of the Association and the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science. Section L is devoted to the history, philos ophy, logic and sociology of science, with broad connotations extended both to 'science' and to 'philosophy'. With collaboration generously extended by other and more specialized (...)
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    Medieval Philosophy of Religion.G. R. Evans, John Marenbon, Dermot Moran, Syed Nomanul Haq, Jon McGinnis, Jon Mcginnis & Thomas Williams - 2013 - Acumen Publishing.
    Volume 2 covers one of the richest eras for the philosophical study of religion. Covering the period from the 6th century to the Renaissance, this volume shows how Christian, Islamic and Jewish thinkers explicated and defended their religious faith in light of the philosophical traditions they inherited from the ancient Greeks and Romans. The enterprise of 'faith seeking understanding', as it was dubbed by the medievals themselves, emerges as a vibrant encounter between - and a complex synthesis of - the (...)
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    Jbs jbs jbs.William R. Grady, Daniel H. Klepinger, John Og Billy & Lisa A. Cubbins - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (3).
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    Hormone Heresy Oestrogen's Deadly Truth.Sherrill Seliman & John R. Lee - forthcoming - Nexus.
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  48. Brill Online Books and Journals.James Warren, John Ferguson, Robert R. Wellman, Lynn E. Rose, David Gallop, David Savan, Wolf Deicke, Robert G. Hoerber & I. M. Lonie - 2011 - Phronesis 56 (2).
  49.  23
    Time, rate, and conditioning.C. R. Gallistel & John Gibbon - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (2):289-344.
  50.  2
    Thucydides 3.44.2.John R. Grant - 1968 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 112 (1-2):292-293.
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